LifeSong Life / Health / Grief Coaching Sessions




Sometimes, you're just in a dark place... and you think you'll never see the light again. I'll tell you this. The light does come! And in that light, there is a change. A change which makes you stronger, a change which makes things clearer.

For me, the change came with touching lives. One small step at a time, one life touched at a time.




A Life Coach is someone who works side by side with you. They listen, educate, motivate, and encourage you by providing a safe place of trust and confidentiality. Together we will set goals, hold accountability, and through this unique partnership will nurture and guide you to your optimal level of health and wellness by addressing your lifestyle environments, foods, and the importance of implementing self care.


So through Life and Personal Development, Health and Grief Coaching we want to help you rediscover yourself for the better.



Kristyne Twum is a Pharmacist and a Wellness Consultant. She is an American Board certified NLP Life Coach and a Transformational personal development, health and grief coach. She is a manifestation coach and a motivational speaker.